GMP Cell & Virus Bank Characterization
The battery of tests to apply is often adapted depending on the type of cell line or virus seed under development. Virus banks might require neutralization procedure prior to testing. ViruSure’s experts are happy to give best advice on the testing requirements requested by regulatory authorities
What our Clients Say

European quality, professional approach and efficiency are the main advantages of ViruSure, with which we have been cooperating for several years. The employees are always very helpful and kind, give quick answers to inquiries and are ready for constructive dialogue in disputable situations. We wish the company sustainable development and prosperity.
Recommended Assays for Characterization of Recombinant Cell Banks
The majority of the tests are done at the Master Cell Bank (MCB) and End of Production Cell Bank (EPCB) level. Working Cell Bank (WCB) will be done with a reduced testing package.
Identity Testing via QPCR – Cytochrome C Oxidase Gene Amplification
Sterility according to EP/USP/JP
Mycoplasma according to EP/JP
Mycoplasma according to FDA PTC
28-day in vitro assay for the presence of viral contamination using 3 cell lines
In vivo assay for adventitious agents in suckling and adult mice, embryonated eggs
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
Retrovirus infectivity test; extended XC plaque assay and extended S+L- focus assay
Reverse transcriptase assay using the PERT assay (FPERT)
Mouse antibody production test (MAP, only applicable to rodent cell lines)
Hamster antibody production test (HAP, only applicable to rodent cell lines)
Bovine viruses *
Porcine viruses *
Human viruses (recommended for human-produced cells) *
Simian viruses *
Avian viruses *
Insect viruses *