Raw Material Testing

Assurance for animal-derived raw materials

Animal-derived materials are still widely used in biopharmaceutical manufacturing, cell-based therapies and other pharmaceutical preparations. The risk of virus or prion contamination in such materials needs to be carefully controlled.

ViruSure provides expertise via risk assessments as well as QC testing for animal viruses (PCR or other pathogen safety testing methods) or support with virus and prion clearance studies.

Virus and prion clearance studies can either ensure pathogen safety via checking the manufacturing process of the animal components or upstream treatment of growth media with animal-derived supplement prior to production of recombinant products.

ViruSure offers the following services
for users of animal-derived raw materials:

Process Validation Studies
Animal-Derived Raw Material
Pathogen Safety Testing
Potency Studies

Let's Talk About Your Raw Material Testing

Tell us about your inquiry and we'll be in touch.